Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Hello all.
It occurred to me that I never posted my final entry in my book. I was following Clare's amazing birds if you recall. I have this little tradition where I draw a hand on the last page of my moly sketchbooks. Don't know why, but I did it in the first one and have continued over the past few years. So I added some patriotic paws to this book, too. It also seemed a nice compliment to the beginning. I want to shoot and post a video to share, I think you will find a really nice symmetry in the book and some cool coincidences from artist to artist. Thank you Alison, Tracy, Kerry, Jan and Clare for everything you put into my book. It's a treasure and I've enjoyed this crazy trip with each of you.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey, I noticed art as one of your interests, I started a new art blog maybe u'll like it! Thanks and keep up great work.